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The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

140 reasons to go to prom

Lucas Grannis and Isabelle Shie May 6, 2022

5. Pictures! Getting photos in your fancy outfit will make it a night to remember. 10. The High School Experience! This is a night you will never forget, and something you’ll tell your grandkids...

CHS's Wacky, Wild, and Worst Pet Competetion

CHS’s Wacky, Wild, and Worst Pet Competetion

Isha Raheja and Frida Garcia April 1, 2022

ARCHIBALD (b. 2019) Isha Raheja's cocky chicken My chicken should win the worst pet. She is very mean and has an affinity for pecking the back of people’s legs until they give her food. She even destroyed...

The front entrance to Sycamore's open campus along Claremont's W. 8th Street.

Shoe-less Sycamore leafs a prominent imprint at CHS

Carrie Anne Little, Reporter January 21, 2022

For a school that produces a graduating class of, on average 60 students (a relatively small population compared to that of schools like Condit, Chaparral, and Mountain View) Sycamore’s presence can...

Photo Courtesy of Carson Paul

Steer clear Roadrunners, Mountain View’s Mustangs cannot be beat

Carson Paul, Reporter January 21, 2022

At CHS, the Mustangs are a rare breed in a school dominated by soaring condors, speeding road runners, owls up high, and hundreds of leaves falling from the trees. Although the Mustangs have a herd lacking...

Head Sports Editor Casey Shoultz captured above at a rare elementary school field trip.

Stay humble Claremont elementary schools, and be wary of the out-of-district underdogs

Casey Shoultz, Head Sports Editor January 21, 2022

Standing in front of the stone sign that reads Claremont High School (with the S upside down), and cowers below the large buildings and exterior yards, you look at this unfamiliar place with wide eyes...

Photo | Audrey Sinsky

Chaparral Roadrunners: speeding to greatness!

Lorenzo Cano, Reporter January 21, 2022

Chaparral Elementary: The school full of tryhards and rich kids. It seems like everywhere you go you are likely to run into the kids of professors, business moguls, as well as elementary student entrepreneurs....

Photo | Audrey Sinsky

Condit condors in a nest made out of gold

Isabelle Shie, Reporter January 21, 2022

Across the Claremont school district, there seems to be a set stereotype for each elementary school. At Condit Elementary, all the trillionaires reside as they use stacks of cold hard cash as chairs, or...

Oakmont owls own the outdoors “hoo” claim origin of Claremont’s hippies

Ady Bolinger, Head News Editor January 21, 2022

Ah, Oakmont. The school nobody at CHS seems to be bothered to speak about. Dare I say, they’re scared? Dare I say—Oakmont kids don’t boast about their elementary school or make it their whole personality...

Photo | Audrey Sinsky

¡Hasta la Vista! to Vista

Anna Jiang, Reporter January 21, 2022

Vista Del Valle. There are legitimately no words to describe this elementary school because of how unknown it is. There is Condit, Chaparral, Mountain View, and Sycamore but the honest question is– has...

Photo | Audrey Sinsky

The twist and turns of the dual mascot school: Sumner Danbury

Boushra Bettir, Assistant Sports Editor January 21, 2022

Sumner Danbury elementary school, known for its two mascots that fit terribly well together (Dolphin and Dragon), and its variety of students with several broken bones. Speaking of broken bones, here I...

The Wolfpacket's 2022 Predictions

The Wolfpacket’s 2022 Predictions

Carrie Anne Little and John (Jack) Warren December 17, 2021

*Some of these predictions have an actual chance of happening, and others were made by Jack January 12, 2022: The end of the world A nuclear missile overseer (the person in charge of pressing the...

The red firewall of CHS

Carson Paul, Reporter November 19, 2021

In the last couple of years, CHS has had a couple of technological scares. Whether it be from entire district hacks, zoom errors, or plenty of students abusing the power of cool math games CHS and...

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