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The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

Frida Garcia

Frida Garcia, Head Features Editor

Frida Garcia is a senior at Claremont High School and the Head Features Editor of the Wolfpacket. Besides designing for the features spread, Frida’s favorite part of Wolfpacket is being able to interview all kinds of interesting people. Outside of journalism, Frida loves trips to the library and spending evening dinners with her family. (Her dad is a great cook). She enjoys studying inside and outside of school, and her current favorite subjects include economics and environmental science. This school year Frida experienced working at the Claremont Colleges bookstore, participating in book club and preparing for college. Her current favorite book is 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami.

All content by Frida Garcia
Homecoming Court: Anthony Alvarado

Homecoming Court: Anthony Alvarado

Frida Garcia, Head Features Editor
October 22, 2022

This student has smoothly landed a spot on court’s top ten with his charisma, intelligence, and easygoing attitude, and now footballer Anthony Alvarado...

Courtesy of California Independent System Operator

An Environmental Science Teacher’s Thoughts on Power Usage

Frida Garcia, Head Features Editor
September 30, 2022

Throughout early September of 2022, California experienced a dramatic heatwave that pushed power usage to the brink, driving air conditioning usage to...

Senior College List 2022

Senior College List 2022

Frida Garcia, Reporter/Editor
June 13, 2022

*GRADUATING SENIORS PLEASE NOTE Not all graduating students will be featured on this page due to some students not responding to the senior survey. *SURVEY...

Photo courtesy of Munday

Munday lights up the stage… literally

Frida Garcia, Reporter/Editor
June 10, 2022

Brigette Munday may very well be Claremont High School’s own Kathleen Hanna (Hanna being the 90s Riot Grrrl icon). Not only is Munday the lead singer...

The soon to be architect designing her future

The soon to be architect designing her future

Frida Garcia, Reporter/Editor
June 10, 2022

While scrolling through the hundreds of names of graduating Claremont High School seniors, typed up next to the institution they planned on attending,...

Courtesy of Pixar Studios

Why Turning Red Wasn’t in Theaters

Frida Garcia, Reporter/Editor
May 6, 2022

“Turning Red” has become the first film in Pixar history to be created by an entirely female team, a team that collaborated for four years to produce...

CHS's Wacky, Wild, and Worst Pet Competetion

CHS’s Wacky, Wild, and Worst Pet Competetion

Isha Raheja and Frida Garcia
April 1, 2022

ARCHIBALD (b. 2019) Isha Raheja's cocky chicken My chicken should win the worst pet. She is very mean and has an affinity for pecking the back of people’s...

The Curriculum Needs Creativity

The Curriculum Needs Creativity

Frida Garcia, Reporter/Editor
March 4, 2022

The disregard of creatively driven curriculum in US public schools has begun to bear consequences. Education has entered an era of standard-based teaching,...

Laemmle Theater remains open for the time being

Claremont Laemmle’s Likely Goodbye

Frida Garcia, Reporter
January 21, 2022

The Laemmle Theaters, established in 1938, is instantly recognizable by the majority of Claremonters as a place of both nostalgia and anticipation. The...

Wellness: let's eat bacteria!

Wellness: let’s eat bacteria!

Frida Garcia, Reporter
January 21, 2022

Four billion years ago, the Earth was on fire. A rich thermal landscape was erupting with geysers, and these bubbling beginnings formed one of the first...

From Indians to Guardians: an investigation of sports team name changes

From Indians to Guardians: an investigation of sports team name changes

Isha Raheja and Frida Garcia
December 17, 2021

Within the past decade, the rise of cancel culture has created waves of both negative and positive change. It has been beneficial in reducing the...

The Environmental Sustainability in CHS Learning

The Environmental Sustainability in CHS Learning

Frida Garcia, Reporter
November 19, 2021

Although Covid has been a detrimental experience, it’s allowed for schools to unknowingly become more sustainable. The temporary switch to online school...

The Teaching Fellowship: An Interview with a South African Educator

The Teaching Fellowship: An Interview with a South African Educator

Frida Garcia, Reporter
November 19, 2021

The Teaching Fellowship program grants educators the opportunity to study in life-changing ways. A select few teachers receive personalized support from...

Meditation & Yoga On The Body

Meditation & Yoga On The Body

Frida Garcia, Reporter
November 19, 2021

Meditation and yoga are widely renowned for their cerebral benefits, but these ancient practices positively impact the physical body as well. When the...

TikTok's Impact on Teen Psychology

TikTok’s Impact on Teen Psychology

Frida Garcia, Reporter
October 29, 2021

It is like an episode of “The Twilight Zone;” kids all across the country following the same acts of havoc for no apparent reason. From vandalizing...

The Local Pomona Fairplex Houses Unaccompanied Children

The Local Pomona Fairplex Houses Unaccompanied Children

Frida Garcia, Reporter
October 29, 2021

Since May of 2021, the local Pomona Fairplex has been used as shelter for the thousands of children arriving unaccompanied at the US-Mexico border. This...

Photo | Isha Raheja

The Benton is back: Featuring James Turrell Exhibit

Frida Garcia and Isha Raheja
September 24, 2021

For years, the Benton Museum and James Turrell’s “Dividing the Light” exhibit have been staples in the Claremont community. Whether it be the Art...

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