Every 15 Minutes

On March 15 and 16, CHS juniors and seniors were exposed to the Every 15 Minutes program. The emotionally-charged experience is designed to be a lesson for these students to think critically about the dangers of teen drunk driving and the consequences of such activity on one’s self, friends, and community. It is named for the frequency of fatalities; every 15 minutes someone in the United States dies from an alcohol related traffic collision. While it is well-known that the program happens every two years, the actual date is a well-kept secret from the general CHS population. This is by a purposeful design; it drives home the message that drunk driving can brutally change lives anytime, without warning.
This program is impactful for the entire student body. Student participants experience the most intense aspects; they have to float through the day as “ghosts” and are isolated from friends and family. However, the rest of CHS students also feel the grief in the air. Juniors and seniors witness a staged car accident attend a mock funeral. Every student on campus cringes at the seemingly-endless ringing bells signifying another death. However, in this dramatic experience, there is a powerful lesson that will resonate with CHS for a long time.