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The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor

A senior in his third year on the Wolfpacket staff, Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, occasionally referred to as Rowan “Orange Rind” by his Wolfpacket peers, strives to be anything but an orange rind—to embody the antithesis of bitterness and the notorious orange-tinted man in the papaya-shaped office. Nevertheless, as a distance runner on the cross-country and track teams, he does drink orange juice with liquid iron to maximize his blood’s oxygen levels, which have the potential to drop due to his vegetarian diet. In addition to his zest for running, food, and editing the sports section of the paper, Orlijan-Rhyne is passionate about learning, the environment, animal welfare, and languages. At the moment, he is proficient in Italian and French and hopes to enjoy the fruits of his labor through travel once the pandemic subsides. As the citrus-hued sun sets over Claremont, Orlijan-Rhyne might be in the mood for a book at home or for a bike ride up into the mountains… orange you glad you read his bio?

All content by Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne
Lucas Massie skates north to play hockey for the Canadian Blackfalds Bulldogs

Lucas Massie skates north to play hockey for the Canadian Blackfalds Bulldogs

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor
June 11, 2021

When one thinks of a hockey player, someone who plays an intense and injury-heavy sport, Lucas Massie might not come to mind. Nonetheless, laid-back and...

Satire: Choice to name student center after O’Connor is flawed

Satire: Choice to name student center after O’Connor is flawed

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor
May 10, 2021

It is clear that CHS has grown and been enriched under the 13-year stewardship of Dr. Brett O’Connor; yet, analogizing the school to a ship navigating...

art | Galen Adolph

Wellness and the outdoors: spend some time with “yo’ mamma” Nature

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Sports Editor
March 22, 2021

After finishing their homework for the day, a student grabs a pair of shoes and steps outside to go for a walk. Perhaps it is the absence of their homework...

Part 2 of 2: We must extricate the world from the grips of unethical, antidemocratic capitalism

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor
February 26, 2021

[Continued from Part 1:] Deforestation and other similar global activities, accelerants of climate change and ecosystem-destroyers, are unquestionably...

Student Connect screenshots courtesy of Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne and Izzy Thomas

[Photo] The ongoing PE-credit dilemma: How are student-athletes receiving their credits?

Boushra Bettir, Reporter
February 26, 2021

Student Connect screenshots courtesy of Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne and Izzy Thomas

Homecoming Prince - Charlie Warren

Homecoming Prince – Charlie Warren

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor
February 25, 2021

In speech, senior Charlie Warren delicately selects words from his vast repository of vocabulary, gained through innumerable hours of reading and study....

Part 1 of 2: We must extricate the world from the grips of unethical, antidemocratic capitalism

Part 1 of 2: We must extricate the world from the grips of unethical, antidemocratic capitalism

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor
January 25, 2021

The events of January 6 at the Capitol constituted a phase of an unmasking — long in the works, of the rotting carcass of a system in the US which allowed...

To go or not to go: inside perspectives on attending athletic practices during Claremont’s most severe COVID-19 surge

To go or not to go: inside perspectives on attending athletic practices during Claremont’s most severe COVID-19 surge

As reported in a previous article, all CHS sports practices were halted on Nov. 30. Despite LA County being an epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic and the...

Image courtesy of CIF, Wikimedia Commons, pixabay, and Canva

Pandemic athletics update: state championships, practices cancelled

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Sports Editor
December 14, 2020

In March of 2020, life, including high school athletics, was put on indefinite hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the fall, some sports which were scheduled...

Can reading vanquish racism in America? The pen may not be mightier than the sword, but it sure is not weak

Can reading vanquish racism in America? The pen may not be mightier than the sword, but it sure is not weak

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor
December 14, 2020

During the first months of the country’s collective reckoning with racism and proclamation of anti-racism, social media platforms such as Instagram were...

Claremont performing arts programs transition to Zoom

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor
October 26, 2020

Shafts of gray light shine through the windows of empty spaces, illuminating the ghosts of performances past: lively comedians in red and blue attire,...

Juniors Dago Lopez (left) and Brody Henderson (right) compete in the 3200-meter race.

Cross-country’s prowess stands the trials of time and the tribulations of COVID-19

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Head Sports Editor
October 26, 2020

Runners’ bodies lurch and glide around the orange-red oval under the stadium lights. A speaker blares pop music. Coaches shout advice and stand ready...

Jaden Clark bound for Stanford

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Assistant Sports Editor
June 5, 2020

The truth is, Clark, a senior bound for Stanford, is one of the most hard-working and kind students on campus, and his thirst for knowledge is not...

Aysha Gsibat stays in Claremont attending Pomona College

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Assistant Sports Editor
June 5, 2020

Bubbly and outgoing, Aysha Gsibat still finds time to study hard and shine in the classroom while participating in a host of different clubs and extracurriculars....

Aleks Watkins Goes To Carnegie Mellon A Year Ahead Of Schedule

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Assistant Sports Editor
June 5, 2020

A thoughtful, kind, and earnest presence on campus, Aleks Watkins will be missed by her peers in the class of 2021. Yes, that is right — 2021. Watkins,...

The The Independence 5K website where participants can sign up and register themselves for events.

Claremont Cross-Country Boosters create virtual event as a substitute for beloved Claremont Village Freedom 5K

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Assistant Sports Editor
May 12, 2020

It is almost surreal that a bundle of proteins and genetic code has brought the complex and far-reaching machinery of human civilization to a grinding...

Student-Run Fashion Brand Gains Popularity at CHS

Student-Run Fashion Brand Gains Popularity at CHS

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Assistant Sports Editor
December 17, 2019

Walking in the halls, or on the streets, one might turn to a friend and express envy or appreciation of a passerby’s fashion choices, but rarely is this...

Claremont Cross-Country Shows Support for Saugus High School

Claremont Cross-Country Shows Support for Saugus High School

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Assistant Sports Editor
December 14, 2019

Often, we feel helpless in the face of tragedy, and that we cannot do anything to make change, but we can show empathy for victims of the many menaces...

Jack Xiao to attend Stanford

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Reporter
June 8, 2019

Usually when someone is seemingly flawless and everything they touch turns to gold, there is typically at least some minute problem that they have,...

Huerta runs off to Mt San Antonio College

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Reporter
June 8, 2019

In the summer of 2017, Vicente Huerta started training with the CHS Varsity Boys Cross-Country Team as a rising junior after transferring from Bishop Amat...

Economics and Government teacher in the Essential Skills (ES) Program, or Special Education Department, Mr. Joseph Galindo.

A Day in the Life: Special Ed

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Reporter
May 3, 2019

The rain imbues the black trim around the windows of the bus with an empty sheen as a hooded head turns to follow its trajectory into the CHS south parking...

Marvelous painted lady butterflies pay Claremont a visit on their journey northward

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Reporter
April 8, 2019

In recent weeks, nature enthusiasts, aloof athletes, and casual bystanders alike have been transfixed by the multitudes of painted lady butterflies fluttering...

Anyone, including senior Natty Waggener, can run a marathon — that is, if they are crazy enough

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Reporter
April 8, 2019

As children and teens are constantly reminded to go outside, join sports teams, and get off of their electronic devices, it is a rare occurrence that they...

An Inside Look At CHS ComedySportz

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, reporter
March 22, 2019

As the curtains open before each match, a friendly referee introduces themself, outlining ComedySportz’s structure, and familiar faces jump, run, skip,...

Revolutionary shoes tiptoe into students’ lines of sight

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, Reporter
March 6, 2019

In the hallways on campus, on the track, and in the gym, a minute glimpse at a pair of athletic shoes could give CHS shoe aficionados all they need to...

SAT Must Stand For Socioeconomic Assessment Test

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, reporter
January 11, 2019

The SAT and other standardized tests are perpetually looming in the future of every high school student, whether they are a freshman or a senior. These...

The SAT’s Curve Creates Confusion

Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne, reporter
January 11, 2019

In June of 2018, there was an uproar from students receiving their scores for the SAT, because they believed that they were being cheated by the College...

Visions of the new Student Center (Northwest Ground View, above).

Get Ready Class of 2021: CHS to Build New Student Center

Charlie Warren and Rowan Orlijan-Rhyne
December 21, 2018

  There are some big things coming to CHS — literally. The rumors about a state-of-the-art Student Center have been confirmed, and the...

Fiello Revamps Robotics

November 5, 2018

The Claremont Robotics Competition brings teamwork into focus this year more than in years past, making the competition easier and more enjoyable for many...

The Problem with Online PE

October 4, 2018

Online physical education is not functional as a class and must come to an end. The goals of online PE are usually to imbue the importance of the ideas...

Claremont Unaware of the Environmental Harm of Plastic Straws

October 4, 2018

As the environment crumbles and species go extinct on a regular basis, the world needs to take a defensive stance. One way the world can take this stand...

Sophomore Daniel Hodde Pursues a Unique IB Opportunity

October 3, 2018

This July, CHS sophomore Daniel Hodde attended a summer camp on Vancouver Island, Canada, by United World College (UWC), a collection of 17 prestigious...

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