Teen Committee Extends to Female Rights


Consisting of Claremont students (8th – 12th grade) with liaisons designated by the city, the Teen Committee (TC) works closely with the Claremont City Council. Its members actively serve and attempt to improve the community at large via different projects within and without the local community. In addition to broad societal matters, TC members are encouraged to address personally significant issues through the establishment of various ad hoc committees.  For those unfamiliar with the term, an ad hoc committee is one formed for a specific task or objective, and dissolved after the completion of said task.

Created by TC members and CHS seniors Stephanie Gutierrez, Michael Dauber, and Maissoun Hussein, the most recent ad hoc committee pertains to women’s empowerment, specifically in Claremont. This subsidiary committee will hold its first meeting in the coming weeks. Bearing ties to the movement for women’s empowerment, the committee members aspire to achieve similar results in a more local capacity through student activism and education.

“The driving force behind [the ad hoc committee] is to instill a sense of empowerment in young women, specifically in the Claremont area,” Gutierrez said.

Though still in its infancy, the committee’s founders are optimistic that their efforts will yield positive results.

“The overall goal is to have a place where young women from Claremont can come discuss problems women face, and try to come up with solutions,” Dauber said.