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The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

Kay Oken

Kay Oken, Editor-in-Chief

Kay Oken has been on the staff of the Wolfpacket since their freshman year. Over the years, they have been a reporter, photographer, Photo Editor, and editor of Arts & Entertainment. In their senior year, they are now proudly serving as Editor-in-Chief of the paper. Oken has always had a passion for Journalism and was honored to be elected and take on the many responsibilities of an EIC. After high school, Oken plans on working towards a degree in English and a job as a high school English teacher.
In their free time, Oken is an avid photographer and reader. They also love film and work at Video Paradiso, an old-school DVD store in the Claremont village. They created Wolfpacket’s On the Corner zine and worked with Claremont High School’s Mental Health Association for three years as Vice-President. Oken is also a practicing Wiccan, a Ravenclaw, and a lesbian.

All content by Kay Oken

A poem from the graduating Wolfpacket EICs

Graduating Class of 2021 Finally the end of this long run Mostly online days spent on Zoom Classes in our own bedrooms   Senior year behind a...

Friends Jackson Brogan and Sam Willard-Van Sistine venture off to Vassar

Friends Jackson Brogan and Sam Willard-Van Sistine venture off to Vassar

Kay Oken, Former Editor-in-Chief
June 11, 2021

Longtime friends Jackson Brogan and Sam Willard-Van Sistine are headed to Vassar College together this fall. Meeting in the eighth grade, Brogan and Willard-Van...

Oken and Wilson.

[Photo] Tadpole to 15K— a big year for a little frog

Meghan Mason, Assistant News Editor
January 25, 2021

Oken and Wilson.

Students protest for the removal of school resource officer

Students protest for the removal of school resource officer

Kay Oken, Editor-in-Chief
December 14, 2020

On Thursday, Nov. 19, students gathered outside Sumner Elementary School, to march to the home of CUSD Board of Education President, David Nemer, in...

What could have been: the end of “Supernatural” and the CW’s 15-year queerbait

What could have been: the end of “Supernatural” and the CW’s 15-year queerbait

Kay Oken, Editor-in-Chief
December 14, 2020

Let’s take it from the top. The day is Sept. 13, 2005, and the first episode of a new horror-drama series has just aired on the now extinct Warner Brothers...

One day, one protest, over one hundred voices

One day, one protest, over one hundred voices

Kay Oken, Editor-in-Chief
June 19, 2020

In the past when I have published my photos here, I make sure each photo is captioned to the best of my ability, so you all may understand the greater...

Mid-quarantine I decided rather than caving and shaving my head, I'd merely give it a trim with pink scissors made for children. But pink scissors don't compare to cinematic mountaintop orange chicken. A break, a breather, and a breath of fresh air in my poorly chopped hair.

Photos from the Pandemic: Part 4

Kay Oken, Editor-in-Chief
May 22, 2020

One thing this pandemic has forced us all to do is to spend time with not only ourselves but our immediate family as well. This pandemic has taken a toll...

In an attempt to "go outside," I took to eating orange chicken on a mountain in my VW Beetle. Just quiet, the wind, my own thoughts, and orange chicken.

In an attempt to "go outside," I took to eating orange chicken on a mountain in my VW Beetle. Just quiet, the wind, my own thoughts, and orange chicken.

Picking up to-go food at Panda Express, new guidelines and protocols have been put in place.

Picking up to-go food at Panda Express, new guidelines and protocols have been put in place.

Patrons shopping at Sam's Club stock up on meat products after the publicized "meat shortage."

Patrons shopping at Sam's Club stock up on meat products after the publicized "meat shortage."

A handwritten card to show love during a distant time.

A handwritten card to show love during a distant time.

My dad celebrates his 60th birthday while quarantined. Love you to the moon and back dad. And make no mistake; his shirt actually reads "Dismaland" not "Disneyland."

My dad celebrates his 60th birthday while quarantined. Love you to the moon and back dad. And make no mistake; his shirt actually reads "Dismaland" not...

Have you seen the decades pass as the world devolves into chaos? And do you want to buy our record?

Have you seen the decades pass as the world devolves into chaos? And do you want to buy our record?

"Rock and Roll Magazine for Thinking People"

"Rock and Roll Magazine for Thinking People"

"Retro" forms of music are still relevant at Rhino Records, but with no customers, how long will they last?

"Retro" forms of music are still relevant at Rhino Records, but with no customers, how long will they last?

A staple of the past, preserved, and now untouched due to stay at home orders.

A staple of the past, preserved, and now untouched due to stay at home orders.

Let's keep the party going... or not.

Let's keep the party going... or not.

The doors of Rhino Records lie gated and closed; a record store devoid of music.

The doors of Rhino Records lie gated and closed; a record store devoid of music.

Inside the restroom at Rhino Records, the walls are taped with vintaged flyers and posters from a time long forgotten.

Inside the restroom at Rhino Records, the walls are taped with vintaged flyers and posters from a time long forgotten.

The employee bathroom in the back room of Rhino Records now is devoid of employees.

The employee bathroom in the back room of Rhino Records now is devoid of employees.

The CHS parking lot is lined with empty spaces rather than clusters of cars

Photos from the Pandemic: Part 3

Kay Oken, Head A&E Editor
April 20, 2020

As spring break ends and school transitions from "optional" to "mandatory," I thought it would be prudent to visit our former place of learning and...

Whole Foods stations patrons 6 ft apart in line in order to follow CDC social distancing guidelines

Whole Foods stations patrons 6 ft apart in line in order to follow CDC social distancing guidelines

11 am, time for a Calculus conference

11 am, time for a Calculus conference

A father and his young son wait for groceries to be restocked at Whole Foods

A father and his young son wait for groceries to be restocked at Whole Foods

Whole Foods market places markers on the ground 6 ft apart from one another in order to keep social distancing guidelines

Whole Foods market places markers on the ground 6 ft apart from one another in order to keep social distancing guidelines

A Theory of Knowledge class taken online with a broken computer at the same time as French 3 homework

A Theory of Knowledge class taken online with a broken computer at the same time as French 3 homework

A masked patron at Whole Foods Market shops for her essential groceries

A masked patron at Whole Foods Market shops for her essential groceries

Whole Foods Market adjusts their hours due to the current pandemic

Whole Foods Market adjusts their hours due to the current pandemic

I'm getting too comfortable standing in the middle of the road like this

I'm getting too comfortable standing in the middle of the road like this

An expired N-95 mask dangles from the rear-view mirror of a car

An expired N-95 mask dangles from the rear-view mirror of a car

Claremont United Methodist Church encourages onlookers not to touch the prayer monument in order to prevent the spread of the virus

Claremont United Methodist Church encourages onlookers not to touch the prayer monument in order to prevent the spread of the virus

Indian Hill, right outside of CHS, lies completely free of cars

Indian Hill, right outside of CHS, lies completely free of cars

Warnings line the windows and doors of CHS buildings for those teachers who still have campus access

Warnings line the windows and doors of CHS buildings for those teachers who still have campus access

The hill behind the theater and the band stage lie empty, the whole of CHS quiet and vacant

The hill behind the theater and the band stage lie empty, the whole of CHS quiet and vacant

AM/PM ensures social distancing guidelines within their stores

AM/PM ensures social distancing guidelines within their stores

AM/PM positions plastic barriers between customers and employees at check out

AM/PM positions plastic barriers between customers and employees at check out

I stand alone on an empty stage outside the CHS band room; what a performance

I stand alone on an empty stage outside the CHS band room; what a performance

The CHS emblem lies splintered on the cement

The CHS emblem lies splintered on the cement

Caution tape lies limp on the ground in front of the CHS weight room

Caution tape lies limp on the ground in front of the CHS weight room

CHS' "welcome" sign no longer rings true as the public is prevented from entering

CHS' "welcome" sign no longer rings true as the public is prevented from entering

Warning signs outside the CHS Library, complete without a seemingly out of date "Quote of the Day"

Warning signs outside the CHS Library, complete without a seemingly out of date "Quote of the Day"

Caution tape hangs limply from  a pole outside the CHS weight room

Caution tape hangs limply from a pole outside the CHS weight room

The CHS Theatre reminds those to lock the door propperly and that their actions are being monitored

The CHS Theatre reminds those to lock the door propperly and that their actions are being monitored

Claremont United Methodist Church has positioned a prayer monument for victims of the pandemic, complete with fake candles

Claremont United Methodist Church has positioned a prayer monument for victims of the pandemic, complete with fake candles

The lifeless walls of CHS still retain remnants of when students once roamed the halls

The lifeless walls of CHS still retain remnants of when students once roamed the halls

CHS warns trespassers of surveillance cameras; what does that make my camera then?

CHS warns trespassers of surveillance cameras; what does that make my camera then?

The ramp to the 700s quad at CHS gated up and locked off

The ramp to the 700s quad at CHS gated up and locked off

AM/PM gas station requires all customers entering to be wearing masks

AM/PM gas station requires all customers entering to be wearing masks

Warning signs cover the door to the CHS staff office entrance

Warning signs cover the door to the CHS staff office entrance

Photos from the Pandemic: Part 2

Kay Oken, Head A&E Editor
April 5, 2020

In the second stage of my journey, I ventured down to the Claremont Village, now vacant, and unlike the citizens of Claremont have ever seen before. Come...

A homeless woman takes her cart of bags, stopping to sift through every trashcan as she walks the streets of the village.

A homeless woman takes her cart of bags, stopping to sift through every trashcan as she walks the streets of the village.

A homeless man lights up a cigarette butt outside of Bank of America.

A homeless man lights up a cigarette butt outside of Bank of America.

Tattle Tails Boutique remains closed until further notice, just like many village businesses.

Tattle Tails Boutique remains closed until further notice, just like many village businesses.

My car, Bug, sits alone in the parking lot of Rhino Records.

My car, Bug, sits alone in the parking lot of Rhino Records.

Swings at the park also taped up to prevent usage.

Swings at the park also taped up to prevent usage.

Littered with caution tape, city parks are closed for the foreseeable future, with children not permitted to play on the structures.

Littered with caution tape, city parks are closed for the foreseeable future, with children not permitted to play on the structures.

Despite its cheery images, this playground warns people to stay away.

Despite its cheery images, this playground warns people to stay away.

The USA Spaceship at Chaparral Park permanently docked as children are barred from entering.

The USA Spaceship at Chaparral Park permanently docked as children are barred from entering.

Bonita and Indian Hill are left with so few cars, a photojournalist such as myself can take photos in the middle of the street completely uninterrupted.

Bonita and Indian Hill are left with so few cars, a photojournalist such as myself can take photos in the middle of the street completely uninterrupted.

The streets of the village lie empty, not a car in sight.

The streets of the village lie empty, not a car in sight.

A side entrance to a business attempting to ensure mail is still delivered, despite its closure.

A side entrance to a business attempting to ensure mail is still delivered, despite its closure.

A boarded up building in the Claremont Village, inviting patrons to return never, as the clock hands have been removed.

A boarded up building in the Claremont Village, inviting patrons to return never, as the clock hands have been removed.

One of Claremont's homeless population lights the end of a cigarette he dug out of the trash.

One of Claremont's homeless population lights the end of a cigarette he dug out of the trash.

Tocaja warns customers not to enter if they are experiencing the following symptoms. But people still love them on Yelp.

Tocaja warns customers not to enter if they are experiencing the following symptoms. But people still love them on Yelp.

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