CHS seniors are fearing for their lives, their once-dreams of winning the $1000 jackpot are now overshadowed by the looming specter of assassination and survival. Seniors regardless of their status within the game find their daily lives consumed by the fear of WATER. What was once thought to be a harmless game has morphed into the reality of CHS senior assassin, with paranoia running rampant among the graduating class. No one is safe, nowhere is safe, you can not trust anyone. The latest victim? None other than Wolfpacket’s very own Carson Paul, a pillar of PACK Pride, who found himself targeted even in the holiest of holidays, Easter Sunday, while innocently attending church.
For the unlucky ones unable to escape the grasps of death, the aftermath is unimaginable. The aftermath of these sinister plots leaves a trail of traumatized seniors in its wake, their once carefree lives now overshadowed by the trauma of their assassination. The mere mention of water sends shivers down their spines, triggering flashbacks of their failure to escape. Parents of these shell-shocked seniors report harrowing scenes at home, with their children refusing to partake in basic hygiene rituals like showering or brushing their teeth. But it is not just personal hygiene that has fallen aside in the wake of these attacks. Water-related activities, once a staple in many seniors’ daily activities, have been canceled as students cower in fear. The school’s swimming pool, once home to the CHS swim team, now sits eerily without a trace of any seniors, a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in its waters.
In a bizarre display of solidarity, a mass exodus of seniors can be seen congregating around the sacred Doc Oc building hoping for the downfall of their assassins.
When questioned about this strange ritual an anonymous senior passionately explained “If we burn they all burn with us, DOWN WITH THE ASSASSINS.”
On the other hand, for those more skilled survivors able to evade the clutches of death, life isn’t much easier. Reports have surfaced of students resorting to extreme measures to avoid detections, including elaborate camouflage techniques. Teachers, bewildered by the drop of attendance have noticed students blending seamlessly into the wallpaper of CHS classrooms. Parents of an undisclosed senior who would like to keep their identity a secret for their safety, report their senior spending hours before school applying mass amounts of makeup in order to camouflage in class.
As the school year continues, it is imperative that administrators keep the trauma endured by seniors in mind. This intense reality of seniors must survive in questioning the ability of Claremont High School to keep a safe environment. More importantly, the question remains — who will be the jackpot winner and who will be the alpha of the pack?