Joseph Salvinski, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Joseph Salvinski is now in his fourth year of serving on the Wolfpackets staff, and throughout those years has been a: reporter, Assistant News Editor, and Head News Editor. Now Salvinski is happily an Assistant Editor-in-Chief who has bright dreams for the future of the paper. Outside of the Wolfpacket, Salvinski plays Water Polo, reads, and is a devoted subscriber to Netflix. He also loves to travel, which sometimes coincides with Water Polo, and enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends. Salvinski is also very passionate about his newfound interest in philosophy, although is still slowly expanding his horizons in that field. After high school, he plans on attending a four-year university and studying aerospace engineering, and he will see where that takes him. Beyond this, to give inspiration to those out there looking for it, as Friedrich Nietzsche once so aptly said, “Not every end is the goal. The end of a melody is not its goal; and yet: as the melody has not reached its end, it also hasn’t reached its goal.”