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The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

Joseph Salvinski

Joseph Salvinski, Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Joseph Salvinski is now in his fourth year of serving on the Wolfpackets staff, and throughout those years has been a: reporter, Assistant News Editor, and Head News Editor. Now Salvinski is happily an Assistant Editor-in-Chief who has bright dreams for the future of the paper. Outside of the Wolfpacket, Salvinski plays Water Polo, reads, and is a devoted subscriber to Netflix. He also loves to travel, which sometimes coincides with Water Polo, and enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends. Salvinski is also very passionate about his newfound interest in philosophy, although is still slowly expanding his horizons in that field. After high school, he plans on attending a four-year university and studying aerospace engineering, and he will see where that takes him. Beyond this, to give inspiration to those out there looking for it, as Friedrich Nietzsche once so aptly said, “Not every end is the goal. The end of a melody is not its goal; and yet: as the melody has not reached its end, it also hasn’t reached its goal.”

All content by Joseph Salvinski
Shenali Mathias soars to St. Andrews, Scotland

Shenali Mathias soars to St. Andrews, Scotland

Joseph Salvinski, Former Editor-in-Chief
June 11, 2021

When many think of Scotland, rolling green hills, highlands, or even a picture of the highland games outside an old and weathered castle may come to mind....

A poem from the graduating Wolfpacket EICs

Graduating Class of 2021 Finally the end of this long run Mostly online days spent on Zoom Classes in our own bedrooms   Senior year behind a...

To go or not to go: inside perspectives on attending athletic practices during Claremont’s most severe COVID-19 surge

To go or not to go: inside perspectives on attending athletic practices during Claremont’s most severe COVID-19 surge

As reported in a previous article, all CHS sports practices were halted on Nov. 30. Despite LA County being an epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic and the...

Last of King Tut

Last of King Tut

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
May 11, 2018

“King Tut: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh” is an exhibit located at the California Science Center in Los Angeles. The exhibit is open until Jan. 9,...

Alumna Troy Coaches Sprints

Alumna Troy Coaches Sprints

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
March 27, 2018

CHS 2009 alumna Charmaine Troy has returned home to coach boys’ and girls’ JV and varsity sprints for the track team. Troy herself participated in...

Zoos Are Beneficial

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
March 22, 2018

Most people think of a zoo as a facility with indoor and outdoor settings where living, typically wild animals are kept for public exhibition. Some may...

CUSD Teachers Go to China

CUSD Teachers Go to China

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
March 1, 2018

From Nov. 25 to Dec. 3, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Julie Olesniewicz, Director of Special Education Amber Verdi, Director of Intervention...

Data Showing Decreased Teen Substance Abuse Requires Reevaluation

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
February 5, 2018

The results of a University of Michigan long-term study of middle and high school students’ self-reported use of and attitudes toward tobacco, alcohol,...

CHS Honored for Quality AP Classes

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
February 5, 2018

College Board, a non-profit organization that strives to improve student access to higher education, has honored CHS this year. Our school has been selected...

Spotlight: Extended Essay Coordinator, TOSA, and Teacher Mr. Easton

Spotlight: Extended Essay Coordinator, TOSA, and Teacher Mr. Easton

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
January 12, 2018

Ryan Easton is a man of many trades and has mastered them all. He is a four-year, tenured teacher at CHS who previously taught at another school and has...

More Classes Must Offer Art Credits

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
January 12, 2018

CHS students planning to matriculate to a four-year college or university may have difficulty fulfilling certain institutions’ requirements while meeting...

Girls Basketball: Paul Steffen

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
January 8, 2018

Paul Steffen was already a busy man in real estate when he was approached with an idea he could not resist. With his daughter playing Varsity Basketball...

Coming to a School Near You: Late Start Bill

Joseph Salvinski, Reporter
September 25, 2017

The California State Senate recently passed SB 328, titled Pupil Attendance: School Start Time. Senator Anthony J. Portantino introduced the bill. Although...

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