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The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

Jill Kao, Head A&E Editor

Jill Kao is currently a senior attending CHS. She is the Head Arts and Entertainment editor and this is her fourth year on the Wolfpacket staff. One of Kao’s goals this school year is to procrastinate less and master the pipe organ. When she is not stressing about college apps, Kao enjoys playing the flute and piano, watching movies, playing mahjong (the physical version), and sleeping.

All content by Jill Kao
2022 Senior Box: Jill Kao

2022 Senior Box: Jill Kao

Jill Kao, Head A&E Editor
June 13, 2022

Hi, I’m Jill Kao and I’ve been a part of the Wolfpacket for the last four years. I started out as a reporter, then Features editor, and finally Arts...

Reporter Anna Jiang posing with the Wolfpacket's room cardboard cut out mascots

[Photo] SATIRE: Best room on campus, the Wolfpacket room

Anna Jiang, Reporter
April 1, 2022

Reporter Anna Jiang posing with the Wolfpacket's room cardboard cut out mascots

Spanish teacher Wendy Reeder retires after 16 years at CHS

Spanish teacher Wendy Reeder retires after 16 years at CHS

Jill Kao, Arts and Entertainment Editor
June 11, 2021

As the school year comes to a close, students and teachers alike will be saying farewell to one another. In particular, CHS will miss Spanish teacher Wendy...

Affirmative action is anti-asian

Jill Kao, Head A&E Editor
October 5, 2020

The college admissions process is a mysterious and complex one, and a looming pressure that both high school students and parents feel well before high...

Homecoming 2019 Princess Okjoo Yoo

Jill Kao, Co-Head Features Editor
October 19, 2019

CHS has its fair share of talented, hardworking students, and homecoming princess Okjoo Yoo is no exception. From being leaders of multiple clubs to concertmaster...

What Most Americans Seem to Overlook Every Year on Thanksgiving

Jill Kao, reporter
December 3, 2018

As the Thanksgiving holidays approach, the prospect of hearty food paired with vacation may be the only thought on American minds, but other truths need...

Lack of Classrooms Proving Problematic

Jill Kao, reporter
November 5, 2018

Roving teachers are temporary solutions for schools that are either financially limited or can not provide enough classrooms for every teacher. CHS has...

CHS Welcomes New Arrival and Counselor Kristina Bergslien

JILL KAO, reporter
October 3, 2018

New CHS counselor Kristina Bergslien, is settling in and getting used to our school, staff, and students. Bergslien has had experience as a middle school...


Jill Kao, reporter
October 3, 2018

This summer, I visited Denmark, Sweden, and Norway in Northern Europe with my family for three weeks. We traveled a total of 1,716 kilometers in Scandinavia. The...

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