“New year, new me!” is a universal saying, and a cry of celebration to every person making it through another year. Everyone has said it...
In World War 1, there was a condition in which the human mind broke or was about to break. This condition was referred...
Battlefields within wars and students within classrooms; settings that should be nothing alike, yet do indeed contain...
The VSCO girl trend may seem like a distant memory, a moment of high school culture that feels like it belongs in 2019,...
It is way too common for people to get overly defensive about things like music. No, seriously–it seems like there...
High school is busy. Students prepare for their future all while maintaining the precarious balance between social life,...
Thanksgiving is a beloved holiday in the United States, celebrated with family gatherings, delicious meals, and expressions...
Facing off against nearly two-decade incumbent Corey Calaycay, Rachel Forester is hitting the campaign trail...
As an 18-year-old first-time voter, I am proud to support Corey Calaycay’s reelection campaign for Claremont City...
Ending the school day with a nice snack and refreshing drink can be all that is needed to unwind and get started with...
On August 3rd of 2024, unbeknownst to the world, something happened. Something huge: Vultures 2. Often being anticipated...
Walls that were anything but white, funky furniture that displayed charm maybe a little more than comfort, and the decor...
All art is inspired by something. Nature, people, television, books. They can all be traced back to an artist’s muse....
November 16, 2020
Eli Wakefield, Guest WriterNovember 16, 2020
Andrew Eisenberg, Guest WriterMay 22, 2020
Anonymous, Guest WriterMay 22, 2020
Andrew Eisenberg, Guest WriterApril 22, 2020
Dave Nemer, Guest WriterApril 18, 2017
Jonas Huffer, Guest Writer