A critique of Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter has been at the forefront of the news cycle since its inception in 2013. Although nearly everyone can agree with the name without additional connotation, the condemnation of the organization is completely justified. BLM is a political organization rooted in lies and far-left ideology. To understand this, simply take a closer look at the organization.
In an interview with Real News Network, BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors claimed that the leaders were “trained Marxists” and that they had an ideological foundation. This is ironic, given that the organization “Black Lives Matter” supports the ideology of two men who used the n-word in letters and quotes, along with making racist remarks against Jews and Mexicans. BLM’s leaders have also openly expressed admiration for the repressive socialist regimes of Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Cuba’s Fidel Castro.
Opal Tometi, co-founder of BLM, stated in a venezuelaanalysis.com article that Venezuela had a “fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world.” This election system oversaw Maduro’s 2018 re-election, where many Latin American countries, the EU, the US, and a plethora of nations called the election fraudulent and rigged according to the Election Integrity Project. Tometi has yet to retract her previous statement. According to PanAmPost, earlier in 2015, BLM’s leaders also invited Maduro to the Afro-Descendants summit in Harlem, where he won an award. Tometi herself thanked the Venezuelan government for being given the opportunity to speak and later took pictures with Maduro at the event, one of which was used in the Venezuelan government propaganda site.
When Fidel Castro died in 2016, BLM leaders wrote a Medium article, stating that “we must push back against the rhetoric of the right and come to the defense of El Comandante. And there are lessons that we must revisit and heed as we pick up the mantle in changing our world, as we aspire to build a world rooted in a vision of freedom and the peace that only comes with justice. It is the lessons that we take from Fidel.”
The Human Rights Watch has stated that both Maduro and Castro’s regimes are littered with egregious human rights abuses, especially towards dissenters. A year before Tometi’s tweet where she praised Venezuela’s election process, Maduro’s regime corps killed 43 protestors and arrested 3,400 protestors who demanded Maduro’s removal.
The fact that BLM’s leaders see Castro as a beacon of freedom of justice and Maduro as a symbol of transparent democracy is egregious and hypocritical to say the least. These men were power-hungry dictators who abused their power and killed at will, having no respect for human rights whatsoever. To have the gall to praise these men is disgusting and BLM’s leaders have lost the right to talk about liberation and justice when they look up to these repressive leaders, who are the complete antithesis to their preachings.
Formerly, the Black Lives Matter website had a “What We Believe” section, which has been deleted and archived since. In the page, the organization claimed to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement” and instead embrace extended families. Interestingly enough, one of the greatest issues that plagues the black community is the lack of a strong family foundation due to the absence of fathers. Nearly 70% of African-American are born out of wedlock according to the CDC, a rate which has shot up since the 1960s. This is an obscenely high number, compared to 28.2% for whites and 11.7% for Asian-Americans. According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, growing up without a father statistically makes one likelier to do worse in school, have behavioral problems, commit crime, have drug problems, and lead a lower quality life in general. In short, there is a need for more black fathers, not less. Nuclear families are fundamental for the best growth and development of children and are crucial to a successful society. Condemning the nuclear family structure is not only dangerous; it is evil.
Followers of BLM may have genuine intentions to solve racial inequality and that’s great. But with their movement’s leaders’ embrace of a narrative that has been proven statistically false, a strong Marxist ideology, and admiration towards repressive socialist dictators, the latter of which antagonizes the very foundations of their premise, one really has to question what their true motives are. By following the movement created by these co-founders without question, Americans are condoning the radical beliefs and views of these leaders, whether they know it or not. They are using a platform that was built with other intentions other than fighting racial inequality and are mere pawns for the co-founders to push their real agenda.
Ignoring the leaders’ radical ideological views is wrong. If one has a hard time understanding why, imagine the following situation: Instead of being avowed Marxists, BLM’s leaders were alt-right, black supremacist, fascists who showed admiration for the regimes of Juan Perón, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. They also claim to fight for racial equality and justice for African-Americans, but they have an emphasis on far-right ideology. If the thought of that sounds revolting, why should Americans embrace this Marxist organization, given that Marxism is the leftist equivalent of what fascism is to the right?
BLM is not the only way to show support for racial equality. There are dozens of organizations that fight for the same goal, without the Marxist foundation and questionable admiration for socialist dictators. This includes the Advancement Project and Race Forward. To continue supporting BLM is approval of what the organization is really about.
The need to state and even repeat the mantra itself is confusing. Saying Black Lives Matter is the equivalent of saying rape is bad. It is obvious and virtually everybody agrees with the statement. The need to say it out loud and even repeat it implies a lot of things that many Americans disagree with.
On top of their Marxist foundation, BLM’s entire premise of police brutality is drowned in lies.
The Wall Street Journal found out that cops kill black people less than what the crime rate would indicate, since police shootings reflect how often cops find armed and violent suspects. They learned that although African Americans are only 13% of the US population, they account for over half of homicides or robberies, disproportionately more than other races. Yet despite that, they are only a quarter of those killed by cops, These numbers don’t quite match up to the “police brutality” epidemic narrative.
According to the Manhattan Institute, only 14 unarmed blacks were killed by cops in 2019, compared to 25 unarmed whites. To claim that 14 deaths signifies an epidemic of mass proportions for the African American community is purely fear mongering and flat out false. African Americans are likelier to die from falling out of bed than being unarmed and killed by an officer.*
A research paper by Harvard economist Roland Fryer found that officers were 47% less likely to discharge their weapon without being attacked first if the suspect was black than if the suspect was white, according to a data set of police shootings from Dallas, Austin, Los Angeles, and 6 Florida counties. A National Institute for Justice study found that black cops were 3.3 times more likely to use guns at shooting scenes than white officers, dispelling the notion that America is overly abundant in trigger-happy racist, white cops who kill blacks for the thrill of it.
Although homicide is a frequent cause of death for blacks, nearly 90% of black homicides are caused by another black person, according to the latest FBI data. The data proves that police shootings of unarmed black people are simply outliers and not the norm. If BLM really believed in their name, they would place their attention black on black crime, which takes way more victims than police officers do. Or do their lives not matter as much as those killed by the police?
BLM has also called to defund the police on their website, but this goes against what many African-Americans believe. According to a Gallup poll, 81% percent of African-Americans do not want police presence to decrease, with 20% actually wanting more police presence in their communities.
Meaningful actions speak louder than words. Shouting “Black Lives Matter” at a rally does not change anything. It is about treating people equally regardless of skin color. It is about reaching out to broken communities and showing love to one another. Yes, there are real issues in the black community. But police racism and brutality are certainly not one of them. America does not need a Marxist organization who cares more about political ideology than human lives to tell Americans otherwise.
*737 Americans died from falling out of bed in 2017. In 2017, 36 unarmed blacks were killed by police officers. If we make 737 proportionate to the American population, 95 African-Americans would have died falling out of bed, which is over 2.5x the amount of those unarmed and killed by cops in 2017 and over 6x the amount in 2019.
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David Begazo is a senior at CHS and an Opinions Co-Editor for the Wolfpacket. He loves to write articles and was lured by the Opinions section due to the...