Day Fitness opened its gates on January 6th, 2024, premiering as a new fitness center in the village. Having spent over a decade working as a personal trainer and instructor, owner Jodi Day decided to take on the challenge of owning and operating her own fitness studio with the help of her husband. After living in Claremont for over ten years, Day was elated to find that there was a new space open behind The Quarter (nearby to Poke Dot and The Grove) and took it as soon as she saw it.
“You know, it’s about the opportunity,” Day said. “Sometimes you take it and sometimes you don’t. An opportunity came to me in a location that I loved so I took it. Taking that chance is always scary, but I think it’s very rewarding to see how many lives you impact.”
The center itself reflects Day’s reasons for opening a fitness center of her own. With a space that offers a wide range of activities such as TRX (total resistance exercise), Pilates, and Barre which use combinations of body weight and apparatus exercises to gain balance, flexibility, and core strength. The studio seeks to establish strong foundations of strength for everyone offering TRX, Pilates, and Barre classes in groups. When choosing the name for her new studio Day wanted it to reflect her passion for her work.
“I’ve always wanted to have fitness in the name because to me fitness means movement,” Day said. “I wanted Day to be in the name to give it my signature mark. Putting them together felt right.”
The studio offers classes taught by a handful of talented instructors that are held in the mornings from 5 to 8 am and evenings from 5 to 8pm costing $28 per session. The unique hours of operation were established to allow local students and people with long work hours to easily work exercise into their day. With the hours of operation Day hopes to attract new audiences and strengthen people’s connection with their physical health, whether they are brand-new to working out or already experts.
With humble footing built on love and care, Day intends to continue to hone her craft. Making it her personal mission to gain a new certificate (an official document attesting the person’s knowledge of skill in a given area) every year adding on to her degree in kinesiology, Day hopes to expand the amount of group classes she can offer. Having multiple certificates and working on gaining more, Day strives to keep up to date with new trends in the fitness world.
Between the convenient hours of operation and wide offerings of class types and difficulty, Day hopes to fill everyone with the same determination and love that she feels when working out. She wishes that Day Fitness can become a place where people realize that exercising can be so much more than gaining strength.
The Dawn of Movement: Day Fitness
Oliver Carrero
February 9, 2024
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Oliver Carrero, Reporter
Oliver Carrero is a sophomore and a first-year reporter on the Wolfpacket. Carrero enjoys creative writing and is passionate about journalism, which is one of the reasons why he joined Wolfpacket, aside from having friends in the class. Outside of Wolfpacket, Carrero thoroughly enjoys finger-picking the guitar, being an avid fan of Radiohead, and hanging out with friends. Carrero looks forward to diving into his sophomore year at CHS with challenging classes and heavy loads of classwork and homework, including rigorous courses such as MYP English. However, he is excited to be a part of Wolfpacket this year by writing loads of articles and spending time with his fellow classmates.