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The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

Genny Sanders

Genny Sanders, Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Genny Sanders is a senior at Claremont High, and she has been a part of Wolfpacket since freshman year. She is an Assistant Editor-in-Chief, which she is very excited about. She is a full IB diploma candidate as well as a lawyer on the Mock Trial team. You can most likely find her roller skating, debating philosophy with people she’s just met, making terrible dad jokes, winning at chess, and plotting her eventual world domination.

All content by Genny Sanders

Every 15 Minutes

Genny Sanders, Asst. Editor in Chief
March 22, 2018

On March 15 and 16, CHS juniors and seniors were exposed to the Every 15 Minutes program. The emotionally-charged experience is designed to be a lesson...

McCasey Leaves For Redlands

McCasey Leaves For Redlands

Genny Sanders, Asst. Editor-In-Chief
February 5, 2018

When CHS students came back from winter break, a noticeable difference was present in the administration. Doug McCasey, Assistant Principal since 2014,...

Not a Stick in the (Harvey) Mudd:  Salutatorian Chao-Haft Commits to a 5C

Not a Stick in the (Harvey) Mudd: Salutatorian Chao-Haft Commits to a 5C

Shane Jung and Genny Sanders
June 14, 2017

CHS’s local math whiz Max Chao-Haft may be graduating, but he is not going far. Joining the Harvey Mudd class of 2021, Chao-Haft is very enthusiastic...

YouTube’s Restrictions on LGBT Content Have Severe Consequences

YouTube’s Restrictions on LGBT Content Have Severe Consequences

Genny Sanders, Head Opinions Editor
May 22, 2017

YouTube, a popular video-streaming service, provides a seemingly endless stream of entertaining content for anyone with an Internet connection. Not all...

Movie Review: A Love Letter to La La Land

Movie Review: A Love Letter to La La Land

Genny Sanders, Head Opinions Editor
February 10, 2017

The latest cinematic masterpiece, “La La Land,” hits all the important qualities of an instant classic: it has received a number of awards, featured...

Harley Quinn and the Joker Are Not Your #CoupleGoals

Harley Quinn and the Joker Are Not Your #CoupleGoals

Genny Sanders, Head Opinions Editor
September 29, 2016

Last August, the newest summer superhero movie "Suicide Squad" hit the theaters. Packed with everyone’s favorite supervillains and antiheros, my inner...

CHS Must Offer More Useful Languages

CHS Must Offer More Useful Languages

Genny Sanders, Reporter
May 21, 2015

CHS often proudly touts around its language curriculum for offering three whole foreign languages - Spanish, French, and German - as part of its curriculum....

Claremont High School Internet Censorship is Unnecessary

Genny Sanders, Reporter
April 21, 2015

Technology is a necessary part of society’s lifestyles nowadays. The Internet is a constant stream of new information and ideas, and has quickly become...

Princeton Mom Undermines Womanhood

Genny Sanders, Reporter
March 30, 2015

Susan Patton, known to many by her nickname “Princeton Mom,” may seem unassuming at first. A mother of two boys, she lived a quiet life before skyrocketing...

An Alternative Way to Rock: The Band on Alamosa Drive

Genny Sanders, Reporter
March 3, 2015

To some, Alamosa Drive in Claremont may seem like an ordinary, run-of-the-mill street. However, to seniors Devin Mejia, JJ Soleimani, and Josh Carmona,...

The Media Must Take Two and Stop Romanticizing Love in Novels

Genny Sanders, Reporter
March 3, 2015

In the last few decades, romantic “chick lit” stories have ruled book best-seller lists. Sure, the occasional historical fiction, memoir, or fantasy...

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