CHS Responds to Typhoon in Philippines During Winter Season

CHS math teacher Kandice Chua, who has family in the Philippines, has been working with the Math Tutors club to raise donations for the those affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

Matthew Salamatin

CHS math teacher Kandice Chua, who has family in the Philippines, has been working with the Math Tutors club to raise donations for the those affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

Gavin Derleth, Reporter

Since Typhoon Haiyan hit on Nov. 8 of this year, clubs at CHS such as Math Tutors and Interact have been gathering donations to aid the Philippines. This particular typhoon was extremely destructive thus far, with over 6,000 people reported dead, 27,000 reported injured, and 1,800 reported missing, as well as 3.9 million people forced out of their homes.

Though the Philippines get a lot of typhoons, this one was much more severe,” CHS Math teacher and Math Tutors adviser Kandice Chua said. “Since it was so close to what used to be my home, I understand what they are experiencing and see the extreme need for donations and help.”

Chua, who has family in the Philippines, has been working with the Math Tutors club to raise donations for those affected by the typhoon. The club works to provide help and services for students on campus, although it is currently focusing its efforts on the Philippines by having classes compete with each other. They received $908.29 total in donations, all of which will be sent to the Philippines through the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, a non-profit organization.

“Although I am thankful that my family was not directly affected since they live in Manila, I know they had close friends that were,” sophomore Claire Robles said. “Donations are appreciated and go a long way there. The Interact club is also planning a donation program called the “Miracle-Minute” program, and it will be implemented starting Jan. 16. They plan to have students make donations at the beginning of fifth period for one minute, after which the money raised will be counted and donated to an organization working to help the disaster relief effort in the Philippines. Although the fund-raiser will not begin until school resumes in the new year, the need in the Philippines will continue with the mounting death toll and tremendous devastation in the vast area affected.

“As Interact members it is our duty to help others; this need is especially present now because of the extreme need the Philippines have for donations to get the supplies they need to them,” Secretary of CHS Interact club and senior Natalyn Liao said.

The Math Tutors club is grateful for all the donations that they received from students and staff members. Although their fund-raiser is over, the Interact fund-raiser will follow for those wishing to help. Every penny counts in the effort to aid people there in their recovery from this disaster. Donations can also be sent directly to organizations such as the Red Cross or UNICEF.