Bienvenu French Teacher Sheridin Wright

Along with a flux of incoming freshmen, many new faculty members have joined CHS this academic school year. Included in that group of staff is Madame Wright, a new addition to our school’s French Language program. Wright’s past academic experiences include teaching at William Fleming High School in her home state of Virginia, and later Beach middle school and Saline high school in Michigan. Just this past year, Wright worked on earning her Master’s Degree before finally moving on to work here at CHS. Even beyond all of this past work, Wright has extensive experience as a substitute teacher at various locations, rotating schools depending on where her work took her.
Madame Wright spoke passionately about her work. She greatly emphasized the importance of a two-way learning relationship between a teacher and her students, and the joy she felt just while going about her day at work.
“I didn’t realize that this was a job I would enjoy so much, but I did. I love that it’s a place where I get to help the new generation. You guys are so much fun,” Wright said. “I feel like I can learn so much from you all.”
Wright described the ways she added personal twists to her teaching. She made clear her goals to incorporate her interests into her work.
“There’s the fact that I get to be creative with you guys,” Wright said. “You’re so open-minded to different activities and ideas that I have. That’s what’s really cool: I get to bring in my own, other artistic passions into this profession. We get to talk about my favorite thing, which is French culture and my past experiences, which were in France and Europe and Canada.”
Wright made evident the personal importance of her topic of study. Adding that to her extensive past experiences with teaching, it seems that Madame Wright makes for an enthusiastic addition to the CHS language department this school year, with plans to bring many creative teaching methods to the table