Sports fans across the globe are faced with the dilemma of either watching their favorite teams live or on T.V. Along with the enormous price differential, the feelings that one gets in an arena versus at home are totally different. The pros and cons of viewing the game live or on TV depend on energy, price, and safety.

Watching a game live allows certain moments to be unforgettable because of the energy of the stadium and fans, especially when one experiences an incredible phenomenon such as a team breaking a winless drought or setting a new record. Times like these will persuade fans to pay any amount of money in hopes of experiencing such an incredible rush. The excitement of the crowd and sometimes the nervous tension transfers from one person to the next, captivating them completely. The roar of the audience and cheers for the favorite team gets everyone’s blood flowing in the stadium. When attendees are able to experience those amazing comebacks or record breaking performances the experiences are even more memorable. Additionally there is also the possibility of meeting and getting autographs from one’s favorite players.

However, the cons of watching the game live include the unsafe environment that surrounds the spontaneous sporting atmosphere. Many who go to live sporting events drink alcohol so there is sometime disorder that cannot be managed. With the possibility of a huge loss, fans of the defeated team are sometimes angry at the team of the winners and start fights that can result in serious injuries. There is also the issue of price, with more affordable seats often being the ones that are worse. Watching a game from the comfort of your own home allows you to have more freedom when compared to the collective price of a live game.

Finally, the pros of watching the game at home behind the screen is the safety of the home. People are able to party and have as much fun as possible at home without the possible crime and danger involved in the process of transporting from the stadium to home. The spectators do not need to pay money to watch the game and risk buying a ticket from a bad seat. They can also watch more games from the same sport or different sports without going through the trouble of paying money for the different tickets. Spectators watching the game at home and cheering with friends and family who favor the same team are less on edge when the opposing team scores or gains the lead. The atmosphere at home is simply not as electrifying as the one in the stadium. When cheering at home parents may not be open to the loud screams. Watching alone at home may be very boring because there are no other people to accompany them. In a stadium there are always other people, familiar or new, to keep a person company. Some viewers may be dismayed to see that they were not able to attend a live game because it was a big game and there was a huge development that had just passed.

The decision comes down to whether people want to spend money and have a good experience or save money and be able to watch multiple games. A true sports fan, however, will not care so much about the setting, but the spirit of their team and whether or not they come away with that W.