The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

Kiran off to Conquer Chicago

photo courtesy of Rohit Kiran

Everyone knows Rohit Kiran. From musical theatre to track, Kiran has made an impact on campus so sweeping that if someone does not know the senior personally, they undoubtedly know somebody who does. As Kiran prepares to leave the community he has found at Claremont High School, he will join another one in the fall: Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois.

Throughout his four years at CHS, Kiran has smoothly juggled an academic workload with a variety of extracurriculars. In addition to taking numerous AP classes, Kiran has integrated himself into almost every activity on campus. He ran on the Track and Cross Country team for his first two years in high school, and throughout all four years has been an avid actor in musical theatre. Kiran has held a prominent role in most musicals held by the school’s theatre. He has been a valuable member of the ComedySportz team since junior year, as well as a member of the Claremont Teen Committee.

When it came to deciding what college to attend, Kiran was determined to broaden his horizons and attend a college out of state.

“I actually first visited Northwestern in sophomore year,” Kiran says. “I liked how modern the campus was. As soon as I stepped on campus, I felt as if this was a place I could see myself attending. When I started to make my college list in junior year, Northwestern immediately came to mind.”

He decided to apply Early Decision to the college primarily because of the emphasis Northwestern places on collaboration, not competition, among students. In December, Kiran received the exciting news that he had been part of the 7.2% accepted to the prestigious school, recently designated as a “New Ivy” by Forbes. At Northwestern, Kiran hopes to join an improv team, as well as to enjoy the cold weather.

As Kiran prepares to graduate, he will miss the community he cultivated at CHS.

“My favorite high school memory would definitely be during junior year, when I was in The Lightning Thief musical,” said Kiran. “I had so much fun being in that production. I got to see a lot of talented people in amazing roles, and I think that is a memory that will stick out for the rest of my life.”

Kiran will also miss the encouragement of his Claremont High School teachers. “There are a lot of teachers here who I’ve formed a strong connection with; I feel like I will not be able to have as much of a connection with my professors in college,” he says.

Kiran would like to shout out Mrs Lee, Mr Easton, and Mr Carrillo. He would like to thank his parents and brother for their endless support.

As Rohit Kiran prepares to leave Claremont and travel to Chicago, he will undoubtedly quickly again find a community in which he will immerse himself – everyone at Northwestern will soon know Rohit Kiran.

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About the Contributor
Rhea Sethi
Rhea Sethi, Reporter
Rhea Sethi is a reporter on the Wolfpacket staff in her senior year at CHS. She joined the Wolfpacket last year due to her lifelong passion for reading and writing. This year, her goals are to take initiative and to stay on top of college applications. Sethi is also managing various AP and IB classes, leading Bollywood Club and French Club, tutoring, and participating in a youth community leadership organization. In her free time, Sethi can be found in a sweater listening to Taylor Swift, learning French, reading, or trying something new. Some of her highlights this year have been going to the Eras Tour and finally convincing her brother to read Harry Potter (he loved it). In the future, Sethi hopes to explore her academic interests in college and discover what the world has to offer her. For questions, comments, and clarifications, she can be reached at [email protected] .
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