College is a significant milestone, which marks the inevitable transition to adulthood and independence. For twins Alexa and Kacie Gossett, this stage will bring a unique change as they attend separate colleges in the upcoming fall. Kacie will be heading to Concordia University in Irvine to play softball, while Alexa will be competing in Track and Cross Country at Seattle Pacific University. The two are not just sisters, but best friends, sharing a bond that has strengthened over the years through countless shared experiences. From childhood adventures to teenage milestones, the Gossetts have been each other’s constant twin flame. They have navigated the ups and downs of growing up together, providing unwavering support and lots of laughter along the way.
Kacie has earned both a softball and academic scholarship at Concordia, where she plans to major in biology. She is beyond excited to experience the community in Concordia and cannot wait to explore what college has in store.
“I am most excited to play softball, live on campus and experience college life,” Kacie said.
Kacie’s long-term goal is to attend medical school. Reflecting on high school experiences, her favorite memories include hanging out with friends, attending classes and school events, and playing sports.
Alexa, on the other hand, has received both an academic and running scholarship to pursue mechanical engineering at Seattle Pacific University. She is eager to explore Seattle, meet new people, and embrace the change of scenery. Alexa dreams of becoming an engineer and traveling to various countries and states. Her favorite high school memories without Kacie involve traveling with the cross-country team and spending time with friends. Her favorite memories with Kacie include hanging out at school events and working on projects with her sister.
Both sisters acknowledge the bittersweet aspect of their separation.
“I will miss getting to see her every day and being able to just walk over and talk to her and knowing mostly the same people,” Kacie said.
Alexa echoed similar sentiments:
“I’ll miss being able to hang out with her whenever and talk to her about anything,” Alexa said.
Despite going their separate ways, these twins are certain that their bond will remain double strong, no matter the distance.