Dating all the way back to ten years ago, the Mini Crossword (alongside the Spelling Bee, Letter Boxed, Tiles and Vertex) was released to the New York Times website. Now, a decade later, the Mini-Crossword is beloved to many people. In that decade, the demographic for the crossword has changed drastically. Something once mainly for adults has now spread to the youth, especially teenagers looking for a little break at school.
Whether it be during class or between passing periods, students have dived deep into the many different games the New York Times has to offer. The crossword is one of the more well-known of the games the online newspaper has to offer. The crossword itself is a shorter and smaller version of the real crossword puzzle the newspaper releases. The answers to the puzzle can range from famous singers to random words. When asked why he loves the Mini Crossword, sophomore Lee Weldon expressed that his fondness for the crossword was fueled through his love for puzzles.
“I like picking things apart and I love puzzles,” Weldon said. “The references the crossword makes and the size of it makes it really fun to play when I want to solve something quickly but still have a challenge.”
The puzzle is made to be a miniaturized challenge and give you a taste of what the actual crossword is. By giving unique yet thought provoking themes, students of all ages are falling in love with the Mini Crossword puzzle.