Teen Green 4 A Cleaner Claremont Begins Village Clean-up Initiative
photo courtesy of Katie Distelrath
Teen Committee, YAC, and TAC members alternate picking up trash on second and fourth Mondays of every month in order to raise awareness for a cleaner Claremont.
May 16, 2014
Spring cleaning has been taken to a new level for youth with the City of Claremont Teen Committee’s pilot program “Teen Green 4 A Cleaner Claremont,” whose goal is to promote awareness within the community of the importance of proper trash disposal in order to maintain Claremont and protect the environment. Every second Wednesday of each month, Teen Committee and Youth Activity Center (YAC) members have been helping pick up trash in assigned areas after school, while the TRACKS Activity Center (TAC) members do the same every fourth Wednesday of each month.
“Teen Green is a great way to more actively help the environment and it’s really easy to do. I think as the program continues more and more people will come out and volunteer and maybe even start their own programs,” El Roble student and Teen Committee member Kyra Tisopulos said.
Beginning in late January, its creation was in part a response to complaints from local businesses and residents about the increasing amount of litter on the streets of the Claremont village. The Teen Committee consequently hoped to initiate a program that would demonstrate the dedication Claremont youth have toward keeping the city clean. Beyond picking up trash, participants have also been keeping track of the location and types of trash in the areas covered to be able to make suggestions later on. For example, the installation of an ashtray might be suggested to City Council in an area found to be littered by many cigarettes.
“It’s a great opportunity for the youth of Claremont to be involved in a project such as Teen Green,” YAC and Teen Committee Program Coordinator Caroline Bustos said. “Seeing the youth care about their community is so inspiring.”
Toward the end of the school year, active participants in the program who have volunteered a certain amount of time will be granted a certificate by the City Council. Over 25 students between Teen Committee, the TAC, and the YAC are part of the program so far. Teen Green also plans to tailor its activities to community needs in the future based on input from members, the city, and the community. Possibilities of a presentation documenting Teen Green’s findings will be discussed at next Wednesday’s Teen Committee meeting.
“I became dedicated to this program because I want to help our city become more sustainable and have it potentially inspire future, young children to do the same,” senior Rahul Rangnekar said. “It’s a nice way to give back to the city where we live.”