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The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

The student news site of Claremont High School

The Wolfpacket

Emma Cossey

Emma Cossey, Assistant Editor In Chief

Emma Cossey is a senior and in her fourth year on staff as the Asst. Editor in Chief for the Wolfpacket. She enjoys being with her friends/family and her obsession with Vincent Van Gogh is almost stalkerish. She aspires to be a high school principle or a superintendent for a school district as almost everyone in her family has been in education. You will see Emma around school with earbuds in and a book in hand or in one of the many clubs CHS offers.


All content by Emma Cossey

Which Dog Breed are You?

Emma Cossey, Online Editor
April 12, 2018

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Principal Wins Theatre Award

Emma Cossey, Business Manager
February 28, 2018

The Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) awarded CHS Principal Brett O’Connor with the 2017 Administrator’s Award, which is given to outstanding...

What your Music Taste Says About You

Emma Cossey, Online Editor
February 13, 2018

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Obsessive Fandoms Hold Their Idols in Danger

Obsessive Fandoms Hold Their Idols in Danger

Emma Cossey, Business Manager
February 5, 2018

Everyone has their celebrity obsession with posters, CDs, and, sometimes, creepy shrines kept under beds. No harm, no foul. But some mega fans will do...

New Retirement Plan for CHS Teachers

Emma Cossey, Reporter
May 22, 2017

The majority of teachers, young and old, attended a meeting on March 27 to see if the new Supplementary Retirement Plan will be beneficial for them. With...

Sophomore Year Is The Worst Year of High School

Emma Cossey, Reporter
May 22, 2017

You have just made the great hurdle of going to a new school, new schedules, and new teachers that comes with being a freshman. You think it is over and...

Cheer Impresses Overseas

Cheer Impresses Overseas

Emma Cossey, Reporter
February 14, 2017

Over winter break, cheerleaders from CHS Kaelyn Kilpatrick and Autumn Ferrer, traveled to London with the All American League Team to perform in the world-renowned...

Coachella Owner Accused of Being Anti-LGBTQ+

Emma Cossey, Reporter
February 10, 2017

Coachella, a festival for artists and performers from different cultures, ethnicities, and sexualities, is an $84 million franchise visited by over 135,000...

Race for Claremont City Council: An Overview of Eight Candidates

Catherine Schnabel and Emma Cossey
February 7, 2017

Corey Calaycay is running for his fourth term and has served two one-year terms as Mayor of Claremont, and is currently serving his third term as a councilmember...

CHS Offers Early College Courses

Emma Cossey, Reporter
January 13, 2017

The College and Career Access Pathways Act will be coming to CHS in the second semester to help sophomores, juniors, and seniors get college courses out...

Serious or a Cruel Joke? The Recent National Clown Epidemic

Serious or a Cruel Joke? The Recent National Clown Epidemic

Emma Cossey, Reporter
December 1, 2016

What once only existed in childhood nightmares has now turned into a startling reality as 2016 boasts over the new creepy clown sightings that have been...

Claremont Heritage Hosts Village Tours

Claremont Heritage Hosts Village Tours

Emma Cossey, Reporter
October 21, 2016

From the pavement in the streets to the architecture in the buildings, everything in Claremont has been strategically researched and captured through the...

Reighter Takes Over For Girls Volleyball

Reighter Takes Over For Girls Volleyball

Emma Cossey, Reporter
September 26, 2016

At the age of 12, Dan Reighter joined his middle school volleyball team and had many teachers pushing him to be better and stronger in the world of volleyball....

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