Music For Hope’s Melody Seeks To Make the World Cancer Free

photo | Sophie Haas

President of Music for Hope and junior Eitan Hershkovitz (left) played along with senior Garrett Gomez (right) to raise money for cancer research.

Chaska Yamane, Reporter

CHS’ Music for Hope club has played their way into the hearts of many as they hosted their first benefit concert on April 6 at 6:30 pm, at the Harvey Mudd College Drinkward Recital Hall. The concert was composed of a
cellist and several pianists who performed music from many different time periods, from contemporary to classical. Admission was free, but the club requested a $5 donation, and all proceeds went to City of Hope’s research in finding a cure for cancer. In total, they raised one thousand dollars.

Junior Eitan Hershkovitz is the president and founder of the Music for Hope club. He has a very strong personal connection to the cause, and was excited to have the opportunity to share his passion with others.

“My mother was a cancer survivor, and I remember her telling me that one of the worst things that people don’t talk about is the constant beeping of machines that remind you that you are stuck there,” Hershkovitz said. “Listening to piano and classical music was kind of an escape [for her] from the beeping.”

Originally, the club planned to play for cancer patients. However, due to the weakened state of the immune system as a result of chemotherapy, the musicians could transmit an illnesses to the patients. The risk of infection was too immense, so Music for Hope decided to help out in another way. The members of this club are all passionate about this project and are helping out in any way that they are able to, such as junior Hannah Yu who has been involved in this club from the beginning.

“In the last few years I’ve hosted and performed in a few benefit concerts for cancer research, so this cause is one that I’m passionate about, one that’s really close to my heart. Even though I am unable to perform in this concert, I am still grateful that I’ve been able to help organize and publicize,” Yu said.

In the concert on April 6, senior Garrett Gomez, freshman Sophia Cheng, and Hershkovitz played classical pieces on the piano. Hershkovitz performed the Aerialist by Joaquin Turina and the first movement of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9. Freshman and cellist Austin Hall performed as well. The performance also consisted of musicians in elementary school and intermediate school.

“Although the music is contemporary and the artist is not well known, the Aerialist is an incredible piece to hear, and although many people don’t listen to classical music anymore, everyone knows who Beethoven is. I think the two pieces will complement each other nicely and I am looking forward to performing it,” Hershkovitz said.

The club hopes that this soon to be annual event will grow to become a part of Claremont’s culture in the fight against cancer. They worked hard prepare a benefit concert for the City of Hope and they strongly believe that this is an important cause to raise money for and look forward to giving an admirable performance.