Big Top Event Creates Unique Experience for Music Lovers
November 1, 2013
The band Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros has created an event which incorporates the intimacy of a circus with many unique performances. The event is taking place at the Los Angeles State Historic Park from Oct. 17 through 21. The park is 32 acres and is located north of Chinatown and southeast of Elysian Park. The park itself has played host to many concerts over the years such as the FYF festival, which occurred last August and featured bands such as the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and MGMT. However, this performance is different, for it is a modern take on a classic big top circus event. The event is truly unique and definitely one worth attending due to its beautiful location and unique atmosphere.
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros is a neo-psychedelic/indie folk band that formed in 2007, which is led by Alex Ebert and Jade Castrinos. The band is most prominently known for its song “Home,” and they have released several albums that all stay true to their roots of singing about love and happiness.
The festival itself features not only performances by bands such as Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and Fools Gold, but also different performances such as Scott Land Marionettes, a puppeteering group. The only performance that will be the same over the different festival dates is Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, who perform last each day. This means that no two days are the same, and each day has a totally different atmosphere. The performances are taking place inside of a classic big top circus tent. The setting outside of the tent is equally interesting, since there is a farmers market, as well as small stands and various charity booths.
In a world where making money is often the biggest priority, this concert aims to solely focus on the music and the fans’ experience. As a band, tours can often be too professional and lack the authenticity the band is looking for, this concert acts as an experiment for the band to find a more personal and soulful way to tour.
The band is looking to create an event that will linger in the city and in the minds of the fans and offer a more intimate experience for the attendees. The amount of thought put into this event is reflected greatly in their passion for the festival. This devotion is apparent in the fact that the band has gone to such lengths to create an event that captivates the minds of those who attend. They are achieving this through the dedication they put into making it an event unlike any other, placing it under a big top and breaking the standards of a concert being confined to a single band and an opening act.
The opportunity to go to this or any similar event is not likely to appear again. It is probably going to be the only concert of its kind for years to come due to the fact that it is taking place inside of a big top tent and features not only musical performances, but also a diverse range of entertainment acts.
The concert offers an unforgettable entertainment adventure that opens the people in attendance up to new acts and musical groups. The atmosphere is unlike any other and offers the band an opportunity to express their belief in importance of a genuine experience for the audience. The festival is truly one for the ages.