Kids’ Morals Are Shaped by Parents

Parents guide their children through the primary stepping stones of life. Little, but important, things such as riding a bike or eating with a spoon and fork are up to the parents to teach. They are also responsible for much bigger lessons like the difference between right and wrong and, essentially, how to make the world a better place and not generate danger. It is the parent’s job to teach morals to children. Therefore, if the child is a minor, the parents are morally responsible for their children’s actions.

As children are growing, parents teach them right from wrong through discipline. When a child commits what they consider to be a wrong, the parent should step in and correct the foul behavior. It is best to fix immoral behavior early on while the brain is still developing so that children will be more impacted by the discipline. Discipline is an extremely important method in order to instill a correct, moral mindset within kids, and without it, children are prone to make poor decisions in the future. If a kid is acting up, timeouts or taking away privileges help emphasize to not repeat the rude actions. Rewarding children for good behavior is also beneficial and is a healthy method of discipline. The morality of children is determined by how parents use appropriate discipline to teach children right from wrong.

Within a household, the main authoritative figures children observe are their own parents. Everything that their parents do generally influence their child’s behavior. The parents’ faults are often reflected in their children. Children instinctively use their parents as an example of how to act. If a parent has a habit of not cleaning after him or herself, the habit will likely be passed on to and reflected in the rest of the family, therefore parents’ immorality will be imitated by their children. These habits will eventually determine how the child behaves when they are older, thus it is up to the parental figures to set good examples for their kids to follow.

Some may say that children learn not just from their parents, but other environments as well, such as school and social media. Therefore, the actions of children are not entirely due to their parents. However, it is the parental duty to control the amount of unhealthy social media and inappropriate internet access that are available for their child. It is also the job of the parent to make sure that they instill a strong and righteous mindset into their children before they are exposed to the influential and potentially harmful reality of the school environment. This should be especially emphasized when children enter middle school, as most developmental hormones are generated at this time. Essentially, although school and social networking environments can negatively educate children, parents control the extent to which children are influenced by these aspects.

Since the time the human race was created to now, the responsibilities of parents over their children have not changed. The duty of discipline, setting beneficial examples, and controlling the influential ideas that children are exposed to significantly affect the lives and behavior of kids and must be conducted by parental figures. The responsibility of parents is measured by the degree to which they follow these factors.