Reality TV: Fake as Sweet N’ Low

Reality TV is a popular source of entertainment for people of all ages, but many individuals do not realize how much work is put into making these shows appear spontaneous. In fact, the plot of the majority of these shows is well-thought out beforehand. From the popular program “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” to “The Bachelor,” reality TV is altered to create an appropriate amount of drama to amuse viewers.

How scripted a reality television program depends entirely on what type of show it is. For instances, in home improvement shows, they actually do renovate houses and make them look as shown on TV. What they do not tell you, however, is that often these renovations take longer than depicted on the show, and they do not show all the steps (in home renovation projects, there are often minor setbacks, which on most of these shows is not added to the final episodes). Real estate shows also hide the fact that the buyer usually buys the house and has it renovated before the episode is even filmed. One of the most watched television shows that do this is “House Hunters.”

“Keeping Up With the Kardashians” is well-known to be a highly scripted. The scenes are often filmed out of order, and if the producers need a scene to fill in a hole in the story, the stars will film it. Various news outlets have also uncovered other unflattering facts about the program, like the fact that the exterior of the house they show on the program is not the Kardashians’ real house. The stars have also admitted to filming scenes over again when they did not like the way the first take came out.

“The Bachelor” is another extremely well-liked program of the teen demographic. What most individuals do not think about is how the scenes are put together; the cameramen and the rest of the crew surround the stars and get as much footage as possible. Later, the editors look through all the footage and compile a riveting story.

Overall, the “reality” part of these TV shows is often fake, and producers make up stories that do not actually occur to add interest. All reality shows, regardless of the genre, have some aspect of a fake plot. Regardless of the fact that these shows are staged, they are one of the most popular genres of TV shows in today’s world, especially among the teenage demographic.