The Terrible Friendzone May Not Be As Bad As You Think

While crushing on someone, a number of disasters may take place. They may not feel the same way; they might instead like your best friend or they might file a restraining order because apparently, not everyone enjoys having a couple hairs plucked out of their head in the middle of science class for your interactive diary.Among these horrible circumstances, the worst of them all, rears its ugly head: the friendzone. Many a time I have heard the gripes of young men and even women complain about this state of relationship. For those of you who have been lucky enough to have no experience with this particular heartbreak, being friendzoned can be defined by the Dorothy dictionary as “the soul crushing rejection by the beyond heavenly human you’re crazy about.” This rejection is usually accompanied by phrases like “we’re just too close,” or “it would ruin our friendship.” However, the friendzone is actually not as bad as it sounds; it is a natural process as well as a very important stage of a relationship.

Many articles boast about having found the remedy for being put in the friendzone. In these said articles, readers rely on uncredentialed love doctors, who know nothing about their own specific circumstance, to explain what they did wrong and console them with answers. It’s natural as humans to want the answer to everything, even things that really cannot be explained by @noturmom7689. One could follow every internet author’s advice on how not to get stuck in the friendzone and still find themselves getting the “sorry, I just don’t see you in that way” talk. This doesn’t mean you’ve done something wrong; not every pair of people who get along well are supposed to fall in love. If this were to happen everyone would have too many options and no one would ever really be able to settle down with that one special person. It’s good to be friends with people of the opposite sex and know how to understand and co-operate with them sans romance.

There’s nothing wrong with the friendzone; actually, it might just be my favorite place to be. The friendzone allows you to get to know the person of interest on a platonic level. There’s a certain comfort that can be discovered once a crush is looked at as a close friend rather than a “boy with the really nice hair and eyes that sparkle like the ocean.” People say that you should marry your best friend, but how will they become your best friend if they’re not even your friend? The friendzone is actually very important and a crucial foundation for any relationship, whether you plan on just continuing as friends or are crossing your fingers that it will turn into something more at some point.

It is said that good things come to people who wait, and I believe that relationships are no different. Rather than moaning about having your romantic pursuit being put on hold, rejoice in the thought of building a deeper companionship with someone you already think is amazing. Take a deep breath and realize that someone else’s romantic attraction cannot be controlled. If it is meant to be, it will happen. Stay positive and best of luck!