Students at CHS Become Politically Active in Bernie Sanders’ Campaign


With only about 60% of 18-24 year-old Americans voting in the 2012 presidential election, America has had a voting problem. However, thanks to clubs like CHS for Bernie, young people all over America are starting to have a renewed interest in voting. Taking political action is extremely important for the next generation because the opinions of young voters are important for shaping political change that comes with the next generation. If students and other young people do not vote, then the voice of the youth is left out of the political landscape. Out of the very diverse pool of presidential candidates, Bernie Sanders is having a profound effect on some CHS students.

CHS for Bernie is a club that is focused on the spread of political awareness of the Sanders campaign as well as the spread of political awareness in general. The club was created by a few key members—seniors Winnie Lee, Gavin Derleth, and Lucas Martinez—and has 20 members. Those students created the club because they were inspired by Sanders’ campaign and his ideas and wanted to make sure that Sanders would be well represented at CHS. The reason CHS has such a large Sanders following is because of the political stalemate in the U.S. government. Students in CHS for Bernie believe that radical change, like higher taxes and more socialist policies, are needed in the white house in order to fully resolve the political deadlock in the country. Sanders’ policies were effectively described by Derleth.

“In politics today, it always feels like if you ask for an inch maybe you’ll get a centimeter, but if you ask for a foot maybe you’ll get two inches,” Derleth said.

The club’s primary function is to spread the ideals and policies of Sanders as well as emphasize the importance of youth participation in politics. The club frequently holds discussions in which club members analyze Sanders’ ideas and propositions about the American government as well as talk about international events and political controversies worldwide. The club is officially affiliated with the LA for Bernie Association. CHS for Bernie also has marched in the Rose Parade, hosted democratic and republican debate parties, and worked with other Sanders political organizations. The club is planning to canvas the greater LA area during the California primary in June.

On Feb. 6, senior Cuba Burch Berner, Lee, and Madunich went to Nevada to help work with the Sanders’ campaign, as Sanders neared the Nevada caucus. The Nevada caucus is very important in establishing momentum for the general election for presidential candidates. The caucus is what makes or breaks a candidate’s campaign and CHS for Bernie felt like they needed to do more in order to support Sanders’ cause and help him to win. The club members also wanted to meet more people that had the same interests as them and make connections regarding the campaign. This involved going to Nevada voters’ doors, phone banking, and attending rallies. The best part of the trip was that the members even met and got to shake hands with Sanders.

“It was an extremely meaningful trip that made me feel like I had a say in my own future,” said Burch Berner.

Overall, clubs like CHS for Bernie increase youth involvement in politics, spread political views, and keep America politically active. Whether it is attending rallies or going door to door, CHS for Bernie strives to raise awareness and communicate the ideas of Sanders. Change is one of his most prominent ideals, and this focus on change appeals to many young people at CHS. With the 2016 presidential election just around the corner, CHS for Bernie has made a large impact and has contributed to the ongoing support of Bernie Sanders.