WASC Accredits CHS

On Feb. 29, March 1, and March 2, the WASC Accreditation Visit conducted by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) appraised the educational purposes of CHS. The WASC visit entailed close observations of classes and campus programs, interviews with students and faculty members, and examination of student work. During their time at CHS, WASC representatives met in focus groups to discuss standard-based student learning in relation to their findings for that day. The committee first met on Sunday, Feb. 28 to prepare for their three-day school visit that was done to understand CHS’ purpose, programs, and operations based upon the WASC criteria. Before their visit, Dr. O’Connor anticipated improvement from the last time WASC provided feedback six years ago.

“My expectation is that the committee will validate what [CHS] said in our report and point out areas of strengths and growths that we may have missed. We’re looking forward to hear some of their suggestions to continuously improve our school,” Dr. O’Connor said.

Their basis for assessing CHS was centered upon three beliefs: the school’s goal is successful in aiding student learning; the school has a clear purpose and schoolwide student goals; and the school engages in external and internal evaluations as part of continuous school improvement. CHS experiences WASC accreditation every 6 years for many reasons, such as assurance that the school’s purposes are appropriate and are being accomplished through a viable education program. Additionally, CHS seeks validation of its 527-page self-study report for improvement, based on the observations done by the WASC representatives. Furthermore, WASC provides valuable insight from fellow educators visiting the school that are influential to the way CHS functions in the following school year. Through the WASC accreditation period, CHS receives the opportunity to take in meaningful insight and improve upon its performance.

“Our role is to identify a new set of strengths and areas of follow-up that the school will address through their action plan for continuous school improvement,” WASC Chair Lou Lichtl said.

At the end of the WASC assessment, CHS faculty members were presented with an oral report of areas to celebrate and areas to improve upon based on the WASC members’ observations. Some of the areas to celebrate: CHS improved on its utilization of multiple program assessments that provide data on student performance; CHS also surpassed its standards for student learning and accountability. Furthermore, CHS improved the means of its school-wide communication through the online program Q-Student/Parent Connect. However, there are a few areas of focus for CHS. Of those, CHS needs to continue to address its D/F rate and in doing so, support needs to be given for the under-performing students. Additionally, CHS needs to build a better college-preparation program that aims to increase the level of relevance and rigor of the instructional program. Lastly, WASC wants CHS to continue to build a targeted action plan that addresses the existing achievement gaps and implement recommendations with fidelity.

This type of accreditation is integral to CHS’ perpetual cycle of assessment based upon student achievement. It fosters excellence in a CHS education by encouraging improvement through a process of continuous evaluation. The WASC Accreditation Committee gave high praise to CHS, especially because of the staff and students pursuing higher education through a caring community.