CHS Repairs Roofs to Fix Leaking Classrooms Before Summer

Many CHS students have noticed the smell of paint and the workers on top of the roofs in the various quads. CHS has decided to work with the Garland Company to repair all the buildings’ roofs. The reason behind all the repairs is to solve the ongoing issue of the leaking roofs due to the heavy rain. Every building on campus will need construction, excluding the theater building. This roof project started in the beginning of April and is scheduled to finish at the end of July.

“The district knew for quite some time the roofs needed to be repaired. Due to the high cost, they were not able to do it. But the district sold some land to other developers and they got the money to pay for the $1.8 million project, and I am also very thrilled that our roofs will no longer leak,” Principal Brett O’Connor said.

The Service Center, which is the CUSD Facilities Department, investigated how frequently CHS has leaks, and the Claremont district has been trying to find a long-term solution for this problem. This project has also gained support from the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), so that CHS will be able to be environmentally responsible and use the resources efficiently. On April 13, emails were sent to guardians of CHS students to inform them of the repair and waterproofing of the roofs.

“The CHS administration is committed to ensure minimal interruption to the academic environment during this process. This work is long overdue and when completed it will provide a sustainable, leak-free environment,” Dr. O’Connor said.
Furthermore, the email explained what materials were going to be used throughout the project. For instance, the materials that are being used for the roof are Stressbase 80 Ply Sheet, Stressply E Vio Based Ply Sheet, StressPly Plus FR Mineral Cap Sheet, and White Star Polyurea Cool Roof Coating. The LEED and the UL Environmental Program were contributors that helped get all the roof materials and other components of the project.

“I have been noticing the smell of paint around the school, but despite the strong smell, I am very glad the roofs will be in better shape for next year,” freshman Ain Kim said.

Additionally, the locker rooms and the music building will need more attention than that of the other buildings because the whole roof will need to rebuilt. CHS will be able to start the new school year in a better condition with this needed renovation.