Friendship Connection Program Occurs at CHS

Many students around the world yearn to travel and submerge themselves in a new culture, and The Friendship Connection allows students this type of opportunity. The program is for high school students in Germany and the U.S., where one American student can host a German student for four weeks. This organization was put together by a high school in Ohio where German teachers worked with English teachers in Germany. The program allows participants to increase their capability to speak English and German, have the chance to expand their recognition of American and German culture, and create an enduring friendship with their American and German partners.

“The people are completely different here, they have much more to say and they are very nice and welcoming,” German host student Finn Hahck said.

This adventure will take no more than 32 days starting from March 21st to April 21st. A student’s German partner will be determined by the host’s gender, interests, and hobbies. The German students will also be able to attend the host student’s school, classes, and live with them throughout their stay. After a small amount of time visiting, the German host student will have the chance to go up in front of a class and talk about their experiences and memories they have made in the U.S.

“The places I visited were called Long Beach, Crystal Cove, Hollywood, Santa Monica Pier, and I went shopping a lot because the clothes are cheaper here,” German host student Jaron Bornhaüser said.

American students can also get an opportunity to travel to Germany and obtain the same type of experience. They will attend their German partner’s school for a few weeks, but will not take any tests or do homework. Also, each German school is given an English teacher, who fulfills a role as a big brother or sister to the Americans during the visit.

The Friendship Connection Program is a chance for American and German students to meet and be able to interact and learn about both languages and cultures. Also, students will be able to travel abroad and gain new experiences. This will be a beneficial program that students will remember and recommend to others.