Literary Journal Highlights Student Artwork

The Literary Journal Club is a new club at CHS that offers an exciting opportunity for students to get their artwork and writing published. Students can display any artistic talent, such as short stories or poems. President Shea Seery has been collecting student artwork to add to the literary journal and is excited for its publication.

“A couple summers ago, I attended a month-long program called California State Summer School for the Arts. I went for creative writing, and we made a literary journal there,” Seery said. “But I thought of extending it to our school and including art and photography as well because it is such a unique idea and there is not really a venue for those mediums outside a classroom at CHS.”

A literary journal is a compilation of short stories, essays, poems, book reviews, interviews, and letters, but students are not limited to just these things. Students can submit pictures of virtually anything as long as it is school appropriate. The journal has already received a submission in a different language and a QR code of original music done by a student with a label. Submissions are encouraged to be creative and bold for the reason that a literary journal is not a conventional publication, but rather a non-traditional collection of work done by the talented students of CHS. The Literary Journal can be thought of as Tumblr in the sense that there will be text posts, music, and pictures that reflect the student body as a whole.

“I like the idea of having an aesthetically-pleasing, tangible product with things I’m really passionate about from a variety of contributors,” Seery said.

Students interested in the literary journal can go to the weekly club meetings in room 815, but students that are unable to attend the meetings should not worry, for the club takes submissions from all CHS students and staff. Submissions can be sent to [email protected] until March 1st and the Literary Journal will be published in the weeks following. Although all submissions are welcome, the club officers will ultimately decide which submissions make it to the journal and which do not. Once the Literary Journal has been published, it will be sold to CHS and any interested individuals.

The Literary Journal Club is providing students with an outlet to show off their artistic abilities in a very real way. Getting published in high school is not easy, but the literary journal provides students with the opportunity to do exactly that.