Image courtesy of Eden Hankins
Picture this: a tiny welcoming collection of cottage esk homes made of old brick and covered with ivy. Scattered between these homey buildings you can find a small gazebo, a beaten dirt path, and a mini Greek amphitheater. A quiet cozy sanctuary that’s home to some 1,500 students each year, this simple paradise is known as Sarah Lawrence College, and is only a 20-30 minute train ride from the bustling center of Manhattan — a cultural and artistic center perfect for a theater star like CHS senior Eden Hankins.
Hankins shows their passion through a myriad of extracurriculars, from being the thespian president of troop 2129, to the founder and president of the Alliance for Disability Advocacy club. These extracurricular activities show her passions and virtuous character. As a member of the disabled community herself and someone who knows the pain of the American healthcare system, Hankins is passionate about making sure others facing the same issues don’t feel isolated. Through her club she has raised money to donate supplies for others with disabilities. Earlier this year they made enough to donate four brand new mobility aids, that usually would have cost a couple hundred dollars, to a foundation in Pasadena. In college she aims to keep fighting for this cause and is planning on studying public health.
As for academics, Sarah Lawrence does not offer traditional majors, so she will be able to study theater as well. Sarah Lawrence offers what is referred to as “holistic” education.
“I liked their holistic education program,” Hankins said. “Everyone gets the same general liberal arts degree, but you get to focus on things you’re interested in. They make the arts really important at the same time as giving a really good education.”
Hankins explained that a liberal arts school like this is perfect for someone who wants the college experience of living away from home, while still having a sense of community and a nice quiet place to come home to at the end of the day. She described it as a place with lots of educational and real world experience available right outside the gates. Because of Sarah Lawrence’s proximity to New York City, there are countless opportunities for a person interested in theater and show business. Hankins, who hopes to work as a stage manager for professional theaters, is excited to take on the city of skyscrapers, greasy pizza, and Broadway. There’s no doubt she will leave her mark on the concrete jungle.